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Eco Hacks

Here we'll add any hints and tips we find to reduce our environmental impact.  Know any good ones?  Send them in and we'll put the idea on social media, give you a credit, then post them here.

Take the Train

Tale the train to the mountains - Much more info:


The Man in Seat 61 - All the information you could need about travelling across Europe by train, not just to the Alps.

Alpen Express - Sleeper ski trains from London, Netherlands, Belgium or Cologne to many Austrian resorts.  Sounds like there's a party in the 'Pubcar' if that's for you.....

Eurostar - Runs some ski trains on Fridays and Saturdays.  Worth mentioning that Eurostar have a very fluid and unclear policy on sharp items including crampons and ice axes.

Reduce Your CO2 Footprint

If you really need to fly on holiday, you could buy carbon credits or plant trees to offset the CO2.  They can also be used to offset household and commuting emissions.


Switch out your charcoal - A huge amount of charcoal is imported from rainforests in South America and Asia, adding to deforestation and carbon footprint.  Look for locally sourced charcoal instead.

When Riding

Use beeswax wrap for food - Keep your sandwiches fresh and in one piece on the mountain or at home, wrap your cheeses or anything else you'd normally use clingfilm for.  An eco-friendly, washable and reusable alternative to plastic.  It's great.

Use reusable water bottles - Collapsible bottles like this squash down as you drink from them, save space in your pack and are virtually indestructible so won't crack and leak in your pack.

Snowboard Gear Repair

Look after your kit - Take care of it, repair it, don't throw it away unless you have to.  Snowboards (and most gear) are generally made of lots of non-recyclable nasties that will end up in landfill, make them last.

Useful stuff for damage you can fix yourself:

Gore-Tex Repair Kit

Repair Tape

If the damage is more serious, the following are companies that will repair technical clothing:


Scottish Mountain Gear

Hilltrek Outdoor Clothing

Lancashire Sports Repairs



Specialty Outdoors

Mountain Soles & Outdoor Threads

Boulder Mountain Repair

Rainy Pass Repair

Rugged Thread Outdoor Repair

Repair Lair

Other Things

Use the local grocer and butcher - They often sell produce with a great deal less packaging, and if you take empty boxes that you might have got a takeaway in they'll normally put your produce straight in completely eliminating single use plastic.

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